Car park management plan
Do you have a car park that is not being managed properly?
Is your business losing money & reputation because your staff, customers and clients are struggling to get parking spaces in your car park?
You might live in a residential area or work in an office where you can never get a parking space.
This guide will solve your parking problems and show you how to make a car park management plan.
Step 1 - Identifying who can use your site

The first step in the planning phase is to identify who is authorised to use your parking facilities.
Typically each car park normally has the following types of users.
- The owner
- The staff of the business
- The business visitors
- Clients & Customers
- Residents
- The general public (use it to park and go elsewhere)
Decide which of these types of visitors you are happy with parking on your site.
You will also need to decide if you would like these people to pay or if they are allowed free parking.
The only user that causes problems from this category is the general public you won't want them parking for free.
If you have enough available space you might want to allow them to park but charge them using pay & display.
It can be a great way to generate extra business revenue and reduce parking abuse.
Step 2 - Choose a management system
Now you know who you want to allow parking too, you will need a system to manage it.
Permit System

This option allows you to offer free parking for those you want to allow it to.
It is managed online so all you need to do is enter the vehicle's registration into the system and they are clear to park.
You can also receive a tablet kiosk to use in your reception for one of the visitors to your business.
When they arrive they just enter their vehicle registration into the kiosk.
If you want to also charge some people for parking you will need this next option.
Pay & Display

Installing Pay & Display Machines is the easiest way of generating extra revenue from your parking spaces and preventing parking abuse.
It is also best paired with an online cashless payment system and Parking Enforcement.
Step 3 - Choose A Parking Enforcement System

In order for your parking facilities to run efficiently and for people to follow the terms and conditions.
You will need to have a strategy to prevent parking abuse.
Parking enforcement is issuing Penalty Charge Notices to drivers that do not follow the terms and conditions of their car park.
You can follow this guide if you would like to carry out enforcement your self How to stop illegal parking on private land.
However, we recommend using a Parking enforcement company as it takes a lot less time and won't cost you a lot of money.
Some of the types of enforcement are:
Manual Ticketing

This is where a parking warden will regularly come and monitor your site and issue Penalty Notices.
They can enforce the following:
- Vehicles miss using disabled and emergency bays.
- Cars that haven't paid or are not authorised to be on site.
- Cars parked outside of marked bays
ANPR & CCTV Cameras

This way is fully automated.
Cameras read all the vehicles that enter and leave your site.
The back end system will then match the vehicles against your permit and payment list.
Someone then manually checks the records and issues a Penalty Charge to the vehicle in the post.
This is less confrontational and more effective than manual ticketing alone.
If you would like to read more about ANPR Parking Systems.
The only issue is if you have disabled or marked bays you will still need a warden to patrol your site and issue Penalty Charges to those drivers.
Step 4 - Do it yourself or get help
While developing a clear plan yourself is possible it is very time consuming, technical and expensive.
You need to know suppliers, all the parking laws & policies and install everything.
That's why we recommend you search for a parking management company to help with your plan.
They will be able to better solidify your plans, set better objectives and take care of it all.
If you would like a free consultation we would be happy to help you get on the right track.
We have car parks across the UK and have solved all the different types of parking issues.